Long Lawford Community Choir
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We don't Bite, much!
We asked the choir to send a few words on what you like about the choir: take a seat...
*What does the Long Lawford Community Choir mean to me
Well, I tried making words to fit LLCC like Lovely Organised Nice Gang, I could have put Little, Orange, Nelly Guts but that would be daft and not what I want to say, plus, by the time I got to the Community bit I was running out of cool words to fit so, in a nutshell, what does the LLCC mean to me???
Everything……… Especially friendship, I have made some amazing friends and I look forward to meeting up with everyone on a Saturday evening and miss anyone that is unable to make it, it’s like having a shoe missing, a red one…..
We get to sing songs that make my hair stand up on end and we have a laugh. I’m sure we make people happy with our singing; I know it makes me happy. I so look forward to taking part in concerts, I think it’s that 11 year old me trying to get out and show off a bit.
Being a member plays a big part of my life and I would miss if it wasn’t there, I am incredibly proud of everything that we have achieved in this short space of time. I love everyone dearly and secretly think I have gained a singing family, just like the Von Trap’s (better than saying the Nolan sisters) plus that wouldn’t be fair on Ron.
I am a bit like Ronnie Corbett and will go around the houses to say want I want to say so I’ll stop there but, one last thing I would like to say is……… how cool is it that we have a genuine Gnome to direct us, not many choirs can say that.
Kerry xxxxx
* A wonderful way to meet likeminded people to share a God-given talent and to bring pleasure to others. Patricia xxx
* My weeks are crazy busy - working, running a business, attending meetings, juggling children and their commitments - but for 2 hours on a Saturday I can switch off and do something for me. There's no pressure, no competitiveness- everyone's from different walks of life and it's just a bit of fun. Singing carols for a local charity at Christmas when their original choir had pulled out at the last minute was a very special moment for me. Louise x
I joined the Long Lawford Community Choir because I love singing and the choir is on Saturday at five in the afternoon. The choir is very friendly, everyone is welcome, we have a lot of laughs and fun and I have made a lot of friends. I also like the fact, I am learning to sing in a relaxed environment. I sang tenor for years and now sing alto which is fun but a challenge and I like a challenge ( so long as it's not too hard and it isn't).
I have learnt a lot from Paulo our Musical Director and the good thing is, there is so much to learn while having fun.
From Teresa
I have a very stressful and busy job and the choir gives me an oasis in the storm and allows some "me" time every week where I can relax, sing my heart out, and enjoy the company of the rest of the choir. We have lots of fun, we eat lots of cake, and all participate in the decision on what songs we will learn and perform. My thanks go out to Paulo for all the time and effort that he puts into knocking us into shape.
Just keep singing!! Alison x
I love the people I sing with. Our conductor, Paulo, makes rehearsals interesting. He provides entertaining warm up techniques for the vocal cords. I love most of the music we are singing and it is great that each of the choir members are given the time and patience to learn the music and improve the way they sing. We get a regular opportunity to perform our repertoire and the buzz after each performance feels great. Paulo.... sorry, I am here to stay!!
Ronald xx